target has got some serious competition for my favorite store. my mom and I hit up gords friday night and stayed for hours. gordmans is like a ross but a millions times better. and bigger. and maybe even cheaper.
stayed with the cousins overnight. bryn and i did what girls do best and painted our nails. except for i made her paint her toes. cause i don't do feet.
second round of the lorax with the cousins.
this actually was last weekend. the fam took a picnic to the lake. but i'm posting it now to give me some glimpse of hope that winter won't go clear into may again this year. blasted bipolar Utah weather.
meet coach the beta fish. he's got the coolest pad i've ever seen.
clay and his justin beiber haircut. the kid spends more time doing his hair then i do on my own.
witnessed a murder. i about peed when i saw this. rip mickey mouse.
passed about four different girl scout cookie stands this weekend. i may or may not have purchased samoas every time. kidding. i didn't. but i wouldn't put it past me.
this game is a tad bit addicting. kept me busy all weekend long.
caught ellie red handed with an apple that i threw in the garbage. i wrapped it up in a paper towel which means she would have had to watch me throw it in the garbage, wait till i left, got in the garbage, take it out of the paper towel and then enjoy her little snack. smarty pants. look at that guilty face.