
Just Something About Them...

I counted today and I've been working with kids for five years. Five long, but very rewarding years. You would think I would be tired of it by now, but I'm not. Maybe it's something about how you could be having the worst day ever and then a kid comes up to and says, "I love you teacher". Maybe it's because of how innocent and free spirited they are. Or Maybe it's because you could send them to time out and then after they get off they give you the biggest hug ever like nothing ever happened. Whatever it is, I truly am blessed to be able to work with kids for as long as I have and I love every minute of it. So in ode to my students past and present here are just a few funny things that they've said over the years....

‎"Guess what Miss. McCall, I used my mom's bra for Alien eyes." -Fayth, four years old.

Fayth: Miss. McCall Alex just said a bad word.
Miss. McCall: Oh really what word did he say?
Fayth: He said fu**. He really did say fu**.
Miss. McCall: Mmkay let's not repeat that word Fayth. Alex let's not use that word.
Alex: What? All I said was fu**.

‎"Raise your hand if your grandma has spider vains!" -Kayla, four years old

"Abby pull up your pants!"
"I know, it's cause my plumber's crack is showing."
-Abby Williams, 3 years old

Brady: Miss.McCall are you Mormon?
Miss.McCall: Yeah, I am why?
Brady: Cause you don't look like it.
Miss. McCall: Oh. What do Mormons look like then?
Brady: I dunno, not like you though.

Syerra: Miss. McCall you wanna know what, I have a secret for you.
(Syerra leans in and whispers into my ear)
Syerra: I'm not wearing any underwear today.
Miss. McCall: Oh and why aren't you?
Syerra: Well because all my undies were dirty and my mom didn't do the wash.
Miss. McCall: Oh I see. Well isn't a little breezy?
Syerra: Nah.
-Syerra was wearing a dress too haha scandalous

Carter: How old are you?
Miss. McCall: I dunno, guess!?
Carter: Hmmm, 19?
Miss. McCall: Close! I'm 18.
Carter: Oh. So you're not married then?
Miss. McCall: Nope not yet. Do you think I will ever get married?
(Carter stared me down and looks and my shoes then says...)
Carter: Nope.

Regan: Miss. McCall why do you always wear black?

Jesus is my friend.
-Clayton Williams, 3 years old

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