
It's Been Awhile Crocodile.

There is exactly one word that first comes to mind that describes the last months since I've blogged.
So lets do some catchup.

The fam found a new casa. In our old hood actually. If you would have asked me three months ago or even two years ago if we thought we would end up in the exact same place that we were two years ago I would say heck no. The Lord works in mysterious ways. But it feels great to be with old friends and we truly feel blessed.

I quit my daycare job that I had for years. Literally years. I worked at that place for four years. And let me tell you leaving was hard. I was a hot mess that day....maybe minus the hot. I was just a tearful, mixed emotions, sad, unsure, mess. But I know it's what I needed to do.

I survived summer school. Actually I survived summer school and PASSED! 8 grueling weeks of math three nights a week, class from 6:00-8:30, eating dinner in the car before class, tutoring three, sometimes four times a week and endless homework. But I did it! And let me tell you, it feels fanfreakintastic.

My brother decided to go on a mish. If you could see me right now I'm smiling ear to ear. A big part of me honestly did not think he was going to go. Which is fine, missions aren't for everyone. But then there was this little part of me that knew he would pull through and make the right decision. I am so dang proud of this kid.

I started staying up at night past the hours of 9:00. Like we're talking staying up till 11:00...11:00 people. I know, I'm a party animal. Sometimes I have to hold my eyelids open with toothpicks just to stay up that late, but somehow I do it. There is life past 9:00. Anyone that knows me well though, knows that this is a big deal for me.

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