

I have been having some crazy weird dreams. Last night the cast of The Office went to church with me. I can now say I've been to church with Michael Scott. All thanks to my dream.

I've been craving a trip to Disneyland. Yes. Again. The other day my mom asked me if I knew any other question besides, can we go to Disneyland. Is it a problem that I ask that question a lot? Hmm.... Nope. I sure don't think so.

I've been way way excited for my trip in October to California. The gramps is turning the big 8 0 and my family is throwing a fiesta to celebrate.

I haven't felt like blogging much. Can you tell? It's been awhile since I've last bloggity blogged. So sorry to my one and probably only reader, I'll try and do better wanting/remembering to blog.

I am loving all things fall. Pumpkins. Boots. Cool weather. Changing leaves. Lotsa layers. New TV shows. Hot chocolate. Holidays. You name
It and it has something to do with fall- I love it.

I have still been obsessed with Pinterest. This thing takes up way too much of my time. At least I can say I have a hobby now right? Right. What a lame hobby.

I hate hate hate the word perfect. McCall you always look so perfect. McCall you always do everything perfect. McCall your hair is always so perfect. Well I got news for ya folks. I. Am. Not. Perfect. Nor will I ever be. Nor do I ever want to be. I know what you must be thinking, poor McCall always has to get told she's perfect. Constantly being told I am perfect puts a big weight on my shoulders to be perfect. I now have the mindset that if I am not perfect I am a failure. I have forgotten that it's okay to make mistakes. Which is no bueno. After all I am human right? I'm not perfect. I'm just me.

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