
Loves Me, Loves Me Not.

{Loves Me Not}

For someone reason when I think of Crocs I think of Americans. Heaven help us. Probably because a European would never be caught dead with these things people like to call shoes. Can you imagine? An Armani suit with those awful crocs at the bottom. Do Europeans even know how to dress bad? Probably not. Anyways whoever decided to take plastic, poke holes at the top and call it a shoe needs to be punched in the kidneys. Leave the crocs in the stores people, or better yet in the garbage.

Twilight. Oh man, where to begin? So many negative things are running through my mind right now. But for your sake and my time I'm going to keep my opinions about this ridiculous saga to a minimum. First off, Edward Cullen. Butt. Ugly. Edward should be the best looking thing you have ever laid your eyes on right? Right. And Bella. What a sad excuse for a women. This is what young girls have to look up to. How the world ends when someone leaves you. And the cheesiness. Sure I am a sucker for cheesy moments but these movies take it to a whole new level. Basically it can all be summed up by this quote....

Amen, Mr. King. Amen.

{Loves Me}

Recently I have discovered a little something about myself. I am partial to chick flicks. If a movie doesn't have a good love story that will most likely possibly never happen then I probably won't like it. Except for Harry Potter of course. Even that has a few love stories in it though. My future hubs will have to watch and somewhat enjoy watching chick flicks with me. Or else...it's splitsville. Jokes. But really though.

Just a couple chick flicks I'm giddy for.

I have this small....okay I lie....big obsession with fingernail polish. Rarely will you ever see me with my finger nails not painted and you'll never ever see me with my toes not painted. OPI is the way to go. But if you wanna go a little cheaper, then Sally Hansen does the job too. And no, the below picture is not a picture of my own collection. I can dream right? I do have a pretty kick butt collection going on though. 

We all know I have a little love affair with all things chevron going on, but owls are a close behind. I've always had this weird thing for owls. Even when they weren't the popular thing to like nowadays, I still liked them. Promise my future little girl will have an owl themed bedroom. Promise.

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