
Happy Birthday Bray.

Braydon, Braydon, Braydon.
Where to begin?
You always keep the fam and I on our toes.
Whether it be with your fun personality, your cluelessness or your car accidents.
You're caring, outgoing, personable, smart, strong willed, opinionated and hard working.
I almost lose track the number of times you've gotten in a fight with someone cause you were standing up for someone who was being picked on.
You brought me one of my biggest trials in life.
But I wouldn't have picked anyone else but you to bring me this trial.
Because of it, I am a stronger person.
Thank you.
I'll always remember the time when I was on my death bed sick with the flu.
I would have my head over the toilet and you would be standing right behind me, with a glass of water, waiting for me to be done.
I hope to one day have a husband who will take care of me, as good as you have taken care of me over the years.
It's crazy to think you'll be graduating in just a few short months.
I remember being in your exact position.
Nothing else mattered except moving out of the house and living the college life.
Other things are way more important than this.
And in time you'll soon realize this.
Remember who you are and what you stand for.
Start preparing for the mish.
You're going to be an awesome missionary, I know it.
Don't forget about the ones who love you and have always been there for you.

I couldn't ask for a better brother.
Happy Birthday bud.

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