
Gotta Love Those Awkward Moments When...

  • You can see that you're walking towards someone and if you don't move to one side you're going to run into them. So you decide to go the opposite way that you think the other person will go. But almost always you go the same way that the other person is going and you both end up dancing with one another trying to get around the other person.
  • You and someone you don't know are the only ones in the elevator. Even if there are more than two people in the elevator somehow it almost always ends up still being awkward. And the jazzy elevator music doesn't really help either.
  • You talk about something that you got invited to and it turns out that someone else didn't get invited. Oops.
  • You see someone walking towards you in the distance that you know. You can't really yell across the room to say hi to them and it's kind of creepy to just smile the whole time until they get close enough for a conversation. So instead you pull out your phone and look at your empty inbox till they get to you.
  • You say hi to someone in a big crowd of people but they don't see you so pretend to say hi to someone that's not even there.
  • You and your friends are talking about someone and so everyone turns to stare at that person all at the same time and everyone makes eye contact with the person you're talking about. That's not obvious you're talking about them one bit.
  • You're all alone and you trip and fall. I've done this many times. Usually I just get up and keep walking like nothing happened even though everyone saw me fall.  

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