
Volunteer Bound?

After Spring and Summer semester of school I'll have my associates. Finally.
So I thought it would be a good time to check another item off my bucket list....
Working in an orphanage and teaching in a foreign country.
I have honestly never ever wanted to do something so bad in my whole entire life.
Now I just gotta decide which country I want to volunteer in....
Brazil, Peru, Guatemala, or Costa Rica. So many choices! 
I also have to decide how long I want to be there. Three months sounds good to me.
All I know is that I'm going through the program Cross Cultural Solutions and that it's going to be very expensive. Oh and whether or not I go or not all depends on a volunteer scholarship that I'm applying for January 1st. Cross your fingers for me that I get it!
If it's meant to be then everything will all fall into place and work out, because
everything happens for a reason.


  1. Good luck girlie that would be awesome! I will cross my fingers for you! I think you would do a fantastic job!

  2. Fingers are crossed! I will live this trip vicariously through you.
