
One Way Ticket to Neverland Please.

Aren't dreams the weirdest things ever?

Saturday night I had a dream that my friends and I were all walking back to our cars in a parking garage. I went to my car alone and everyone else went back to the Escalade. Then everyone in the Escalade decided to go to Vegas, but didn't invite me and left me behind in the parking garage all alone.
The next night I had another dream that my friends and I were all back in high school. We were at our lockers and talked about going to the mall. The next part of my dream all of my friends were shopping with each other at the mall, but again, I wasn't invited. Depressing right?

I think that these dreams mean one of two things:
1. I'm a loner and don't get invited to things my friends do.
Or 2. My friends are all in big places in life and I feel...stuck.

So, I'm leaning more towards number 2.
Most of my friends are either married, in a serious relationship, know what they want to do with their life, back from missions, have a child etc. And I feel like I'm just... blah. I've been stuck in the same place for three years. Going to school, working and undecided about my major. Basically all my friends are growing up and moving on in life, I'm doing pitch nothing and I'm getting anxiety over it.
I don't wanna be left behind....all alone....doing the same thing. 
I hate growing up.
Peter Pan knew what he was doing when he ran away to Neverland. Smart kid.

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