
Lost My Wisdom.

All four wisdom teeth are officially out as of 8:00 this morning.
I was so bum nervous.
I've never had a surgery before.
The worst part was the IV.
The first IV they put in didn't work for some reason, so they had to put in another one.
Actually let me rephrase that... They had to jab and shove in another one.
It hurt real bad.
And I may or may not have started crying.
Then from that point on I don't remember a thing.
I do however remember now how dramatic I was being when I got home.
My fb status went a little something like this:
"Wisdom teeth are out. Now taking visitors from the hours of never and never. Really though. No one needs to see me like this."
Psh I don't even look that bad.
I didn't know what I was saying, that anesthetic is some strong stuff.
My cheeks aren't swollen.
My mouth doesn't really hurt.
I didn't say anything ridic and make a fool of myself while I was on the anesthetic.
I'm not in any pain.
The only med I'm on is Motrin.
I'm not nauseated.
My cheeks aren't bruised.
I feel like I could go back to work today.
Is something wrong with me?
I lucked out.
Or I just have a really good oral surgeon.
Thank you Dr. Christensen!

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing! I'm so glad to hear you're doing well! When I had that friggin lovely surgery, my lips and chin were numb for 2 days so I just drooled everywhere. :)
