
Albert Einstein Look Alike

Lately, I've been looking a lot like this guy.
 For some reason whenever it's winter time my hair gets so staticky.
If I even touch my hair the slightest bit, bam! It's out to the walls.
Anyone have some tips on how to deal with staticky hair? They would be greatly appreciated.
 I dunno if the whole I stuck my finger into a light socket and got electrocuted look is a good look for me so..

Oh and did you notice the time what I blogged this at?
I couldn't sleep. So naturally I decided to blog?? Better than going on FB I guess.


  1. What the balls, McCall? Why are you blogging at 5:02 AM? Seeing that time put me in a bad mood. It almost made me as mad as the time when you said your hair was staticky... because even a blind person could tell that your hair is impeccable and that not once in your life have you had a bad hair day. Thanks for putting me in a bad mood. Kloveyoukbye.

  2. When you wash your hair keep your conditioner in as long as possible. That has seemed to work for me!

  3. What you need to do is to stock up on some great smelling Dryer Sheets... then rub them on your hair when it is out of control and has static. I heard this, and tried it and it worked for me. Not a bad idea. But make sure you get a good smelling one, that way you can add a little bit of Scent to your hair. P.S.... I miss messing with you in class. It always made me smile when I would run late to class... and what's her face would always stare in our direction... hahahah. Not to mention the guy who talked weird... ok, so he had an accent... he was still weird. How about the time where I threatened someone about taking the tape... when the girl was right in front of us... she gave it back of course... she was lucky. : )
