
Money Tree.

"Money doesn't buy happiness, but it does bring reassurance and comfort." -Dad

Amen to that.
Right about now I'm wishing I had one of these in my backyard...

Why oh, oh why does money not grow on trees?!
Because then I could....
  • go to South America to work in an orphanage.
  • pay off my school loans. Yes, I'm already in debt and I'm only 20 years old.
  • buy a new car.
  • pay for school without loans.
  • travel the world.
  • pay off my car loan.
  • solve world hunger.
Just kidding about the last one. That would be nice though.
I guess until I find a money tree I'm going to have to keep doing this saving money thing.
Which is supposed to teach valuable life lessons or something lame like that.

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