
Happy Birthday Dad.

Whenever there's someone in my fam with a birthday I always dedicate a post to them.
So I can't believe I forgot about this guys birthday post back in December.
I tend to forget things sometimes.
More like all the time.
So here it goes, a belated birthday post for padre.
Better late than never though right?

Dad. Dadio. Padre. Father. Hector. Taco. Daddy.
No one knows this, but you're secretly my favorite person in the family.
Partly because you spoil me to death, but mostly because you've showed and taught me everything I want in my future husband.
Kindness, loyalty, sensitivity, compassion, hard worker, sense of humor, faithful, good listener.
The list goes on.
Thanks for always treating mom like a million bucks.
I can tell she means the world to you.
It gives me some glimpse of hope for how my future husband should love and treat me.
For some reason you're always the first person I go to when I want to talk.
Thank you for just simply listening.
For understanding and comforting me when I break into tears.
I'm definitely a daddy's girl and always will be.
Even when I'm old and married.
I know you take a heavy burden on your shoulders for what our family had to go through, but don't.
It was a trial much needed.
And there was no better person do get us out of the situation we were in than you.
Plus now we're better than ever.
Words cannot describe how thankful I am you're a constant worthy priesthood holder.
What a blessing.
Sure do love ya dad.

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