
Daddy's Girl.

Apparently I came home way too late on Friday night.
You know how in the movies when the teenager sneaks out or isn't on time for curfew and the parents are sitting in a chair, with their robes on and the light off waiting for them to come home. 
And then when they come home they turn the lamp on and the lecturing begins.
Well this very thing happened to me.
My dad must be taking some tips from the movies.
I came home Friday night around 2:00 to find my dad,
sitting in the dark with his arms crossed waiting for me to come home.
It was scary.
And my dad was ticked.

Hector: Do you realize what time it is McCall?"
Me: Uhh late?
Hector: Do you think it's fair for me to be sitting up waiting for you this late?
Me: Um no.
Hector: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Me: Yes, dad.
Hector: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Me: Uh huh.
Hector: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. .
Me: Sure.
{I've found over the years that if I agree with everything the parents say, the conversation gets over sooner and I don't end up with a punishment}

I know my dad means well.
But I'm not 13 anymore.
I think I'm the only 20, almost 21 year old who still has a curfew.
I'll probably still have a curfew when I'm married.
With kids.
Love ya padre, but you're little girl is all grown up!

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