
School is for Fools.

I'm trying really hard to have good
attitude about this semester.
I have to drive to Orem three times a week now.
Which means all my money is going to go towards gas.
Goooodbye money.
And I have to change my shift at work.
Gooooodbye life.
Why did I not transfer to slcc sooner?
Or I could solve all this by getting one
of those online degrees.
They look pretty legit.
I found an online PhD that I can earn in only seven days. Yes, seven.
Dr. Morris. Sounds A-ok to me.


  1. Dear McCall,
    I'm sorry about your school situation. I also have to drive to the U twice a week...hate it. It was good seeing you at Parker's last week! I hope to see you soon!

  2. McCall! I do too! MWF right? We should carpool or something? Miss you!
